
Your nails care

The nails appearance on hands and toes speaks about a person’s health. Brittle nails are often an expected result of aging, but also this may be the consequence of certain diseases and conditions such as the prolonged exposure to moisture or nail polish, this may cause nails to peel and become brittle.

Fungus produce changes in color, texture and shape of the nails. Koilonychias is an abnormal shape of the finger nails showing thin and concave ridges2. Malnutrition, thyroid problems or liver diseases may also cause nail changes.

It is advisable to visit your physician if you notice abnormalities on your fingernails, such as form and color; a well-balanced diet helps to maintain a healthy body.

The use of an enamel remover manufactured with high quality raw materials is a great support to a beautiful appearance and health. Stillman manufactures the only nail polish remover to effectively keep the health of your nails as it cleans, protects and softens the nail when removing the enamel.